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Archive for sony

Forgive and Forget?


The Dean of Manchester Cathedral, the Very Reverend Rogers Govender says they have now ‘forgiven’ Sony for using the Cathedrals likeness in a violent computer game.

Sony used the Cathedral as the backdrop for one of the levels in ‘Resistance: Fall of Man’ in which you have to shoot all the nasty aliens, apparently even if they are at prayer. The game which features on the new PS3 console recently failed to win an award at the BAFTAS for computer games, which are awarded in the UK.

This news leaves me slightly confused. Sony themselves say they do not regret using the Cathedral’s representation and have refused to remove or re-program the software. The Dean also acknowledged that Sony don’t feel as though they have done anything wrong. So what are we to make of the ‘forgiveness’ offered?

In my opinion, very little. It is pointless offering forgiveness to Sony who have not asked for it. Rather this just makes the Cathedral ministers look ‘holier than thou’ which is probably quite apt I guess. I would further recommend caution to the Cathedral authorities with ‘forgiveness’ PR stunts, we’re not playing games here…